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Tailwindcss v4

Tailwind v4

TailwindCSS v4 is now available! You can use all the new features and improvements from Tailwindcss v4 in your projects.

Upgrade tailwind-variants to v1.x to use it.

Migration Steps

To upgrade your project to v1.x, you can run the upgrade script.

npm install tailwind-variants@latest

Breaking changes

  • The responsiveVariants option has been removed.
  • withTv has been removed.

❕ Note: Tailwindcss v4 no longer supports the config.content.transform so we remove the responsiveVariants feature

If you want to use responsiveVariants, you need to add it manually to your classname.

e.g. className="sm:text-sm md:text-base lg:text-lg" more info here (opens in a new tab).